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И снова о гражданстве Белбин-Агосто

vseved: http://www.sport-express.ru/art.shtml?111954 То, о чем так долго говорили большевики...

Ответов - 1 новых

vseved: До кучи. С конференции Артура Вернера. От 27 октября. ---- Guten Abend. Как раз сейчас читал об этой на сайте американской федерации. Похоже, получит. Да вы и сами можете прочесть: Legislation To Be Introduced that Will Permit Tanith Belbin To Become U.S. Citizen Tanith Belbin and Ben Agosto show off their 2005 World silver medals. Photo by Michelle Wojdyla (10/25/06) - Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) yesterday introduced legislation that would permit U.S. ice dancer Tanith Belbin, along with numerous other individuals in similar situations, to become a U.S. citizen by providing them the benefit of immigration rules that have changed since they began their citizenship efforts. Belbin and ice dancing partner Ben Agosto are favorites to make the 2006 U.S. Olympic Team. As a team, the two have won consecutive U.S. Championship titles and a silver medal at the 2005 World Figure Skating Championships, which marked the highest placement for a U.S. team in 30 years. Belbin, a native of Kirkland, Quebec, Canada, was approved in November 2000 for an EB-1 (employment-based) visa, which is given to those individuals deemed "aliens of extraordinary ability." It took another 18 months for Belbin to receive her green card. In 2002, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services changed the rules, allowing EB-1s to receive their green card and visa at the same time. If this policy had been in place at the time Belbin received her visa, she would be eligible for citizenship this November. Levin is calling for the waiting period between when a person receives his or her green card and when he or she can become eligible for citizenship to be shortened from five to three years, provided a) he or she has been approved for EB-1 status and b) would require citizenship to represent the U.S. in an international event. In the next day or two, Senator Levin will go to the Senate floor to formally introduce the legislation. After it is debated, it will be voted on, requiring a majority vote to be passed. If you would like to support this effort, please call the Senate switchboard at 202.224.3121 or contact your senator by going here: http://www.senate.gov. Ask your senator to support Senator Levin's EB-1 amendment. ---

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