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Чемпионат Франции

FigureSkatingFool: click here Драма продолжается. - Joubert says that he is happy with his score though he wished he would have gotten 80+ because he did 4t-3t. He will do two quads in the FS. And he has been working on the steps and transitions. - Andrei Berezintsev did not like the score, he said that Plushenko got 87 and Brian is getting close and that the french judges don't help him. - Gailhaguet said that the program should have scored 83-84 even with the axel mistake. Перевод на англ с FSU clickhere

Ответов - 3

FigureSkatingFool: Финальный результат clickhere

Нателла: Так вот куда делась Рената Арасланова!

Mancini: Dambier

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