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Marshalls U.S. Figure Skating Challenge

Grunya: http://www.usfigureskatin...vent_details.asp?id=28752

Ответов - 5

Яна: Эхххх, Джонни, Джонни...

tatka119: Для Яна: И не говорите! Обидно за него, чессно слово.

Лариса: Интересно, что у женщин Кван поставиили выше Коэн, а у мужчин сохранили тот ж порядок, что и на ЧМ. На ОИ будут отбираться по этому турниру, или это не окончательно?

Anna: Просто Кван откалась лучше, у Коэн, помимо прочих проблем еще и травма... Отбирать на ОИ будут, естественно, по результатам чемпионата США-2006. Интересно как там четверной Джонни. В статье написано про «неудачную попытку» исполнения, хотелось бы узнать в чем она была неудачной. Докрутил-не докрутил и т.д. Впрочем, в любом случае, можно сказать «с почином».

Снежана: Johnny Weir- «Otonal» Blue bodysuit with embroidery, sparkles, chiffon, mesh, etc. I like this costume much better in person. He looks taller than I expected him to be. Stepped out of his 1st. jump. Fell on what I think was a quad attempt. All other jumps looked clean. Move where he pulls his leg up in front of him and goes into his jump comb. was gorgeous. Fabulous spins, especially his final comb. spin. Absolutely adore his SLSS. He flies through it.( Gerry says I need to write that he really attacked it when she looks my notes at intermission. ) Even though it wasn’t totally clean, this program is still beautiful. He is so light on the ice , he almost seems to float above the surface and is perfectly in tune with this music. Tech.:5.5,5.4,5.5,5.5,5.6 Pres.: 5.6,5.7,5.7,5.8,5.9 2nd. place Evan Lysacek - » Singin’ In The Rain» Black pants,blue shirt,black vest with sparkly pinstripes, red tie. He looks quite tall. Better speed than previous guys. Good 3-3 comb., beautiful 3 axel, all his jumps look very clean. Very good spins with some tricky-looking positions. SLSS looks a little slower than usual, but fits this music very well. He really sells this program with lots of «dancey» moves and good expressions and a lot of eye contact with the audience. Appears to really enjoy skating this program and has fun with it. Looks like he’s still in Worlds form. Tech.: 5.6,5.7,5.6,5.7,5.7 Pres.: 5.7,5.8,5.8,5.7,5.8 1st. place Marks could have been a little higher IMO.

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